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Kriemhild Dairy Farms - The Cows Behind The Sweetest Kind of Happy!

Every wonder about the butter we use in all our recipes?

Kriemhild Dairy Farms, pronounced cream-hil-d, comes from the name of the original Holstein herd of holstein-friesian cattle that were born, raised and registered in the United States. This particular herd holds a unique value as the farm is located just a few short miles from Peterboro, NY, where the herd resided in 1929, raised by Gerrit Smith Miller, grandson of the famous abolitionist, Gerrit Miller. While the folks at Kriemhild are not focused on breeds and enjoy the diversity of a mixed breed herd, they recognize the importance of history and the path that was paved to make the area the beautiful and viable dairy country that exists today.

Bruce and Nancy Rivington, along with their family, own and operate Red Gate Farm, which is located in the southern hills of Madison County. The colourful herd of Ayrshire and cross-bred cows calve seasonally each Spring so that they give most of their delicious milk while receiving fresh grass twice daily during the growing season. Almost two decades of rotational grazing experience enable them to keep the lush paddocks of their all grass farm at their best. All young stock also live on this fine grass throughout the summer. The Rivington family's passion for grazing is evident throughout the hill and valley fields of their beautiful farm.

Why grass-fed?

Their dairy cows are strictly fed a plant based diet. They do not use any animal by-products in their feeding practices. According to authority,, Grass-Fed Butter is Loaded With Vitamin-K2, The Missing Nutrient That De-Calcifies Your Arteries.

Most people have never heard of Vitamin K, but it is one of the most important nutrients for optimal heart health. There are several forms of the vitamin. We have K1 (phylloquinone), which is found in plant foods like leafy greens. Then we have Vitamin K2 (menaquinone), which is found in animal foods. Even though the two forms are structurally similar, they appear to have different effects on the body. While K1 is important in blood clotting, Vitamin K2 helps to keep calcium out of your arteries.

The vast majority of butter coming out of the United States comes from cows that are fed cheap, genetically modified, nutritionally devoid feed, we need to change that.

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THANKS ladies for giving us your all! Your milk makes the best butter we could use!

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